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Conference Booths

Conference Booth


During the 2016 JACSA Education Conference, it is desirable that each school showcases an example of a project or program that reflects how they are attempting to seek the Magis within their school environment. The chosen project/program can be from any area within their school (For example, pastoral, curriculum, religious formation, co-curriculum) and ideally one that has been implemented within the last 3 years.

The aim of each Conference booth is to communicate:


  • How each school came to identify the need to review a program/project


  • The process that was used 


During the conference each school will be asked present their chosen project/program in two ways.

                                 1.  Conference Booth

From 1pm – 3pm on Day 1 of the JACSA Education Conference, each school will be asked to set up a booth that showcases the journey of their chosen project or program. All booths will be located in the main foyer, adjacent to the conference room at Xavier College. Tables, pin boards and IT support will be made available.


There will be an allocated period of time on Day 1 of the conference (6:45pm – 7:15pm) for participants to visit each of the booths. During this time a representative from each school must be present at the booth to facilitate conversation with interested participants. There will also be many informal opportunities for participants to visit each of the booths at other times during the conference.


School booth’s are to communicate the following information about the chosen project/program:

  • An outline of the program/project and how it fits in to the educational program of the students

  • How the need for review/change of the program/project was identified

  • The steps taken to modify/update the program/project

  • Challenges that were encountered during this process

  • How the program/project now provides a deeper learning experience for the students.

                                             2.  Presentation


In addition to the conference booth, a representative from each school is asked to give  a 20-minute presentation about the chosen project/program/activity on Day 2 of the conference (between 4:45pm – 5:45pm – a set-time will be allocated).


The aim of this presentation is to give participants from other schools the opportunity to explore in greater detail the projects/programs/activities that are of interest to them.


Each school is asked to submit the name of the project/program/activity that will be presented at the conference along with a 100 word summary of the initiative to Jennie Hickey ( by 13th June 2016. In your communication, please include the name and title of the person from your school who will be the key presenter and any additional furniture, pin boards, or IT support you may require.

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